List of Scholars at Risk

List of Uyghur scholars and intellectuals imprisoned in China from 2016 up to the present…
(Last updated and checked by Abduweli Ayup on October, 2020. Some of the scholars released recently, i.e. prior to 2021, are stated in the notes at the end).

Full list and reports can be found here and here.

Medical Researchers and Doctors

  1. Halmurat Ghopur (M), former rector of Xinjiang Medical University, head of XUAR Medical Oversight Bureau, physician, PhD
  2. Abbas Eset (M), instructor at Xinjiang Medical University, physician, PhD
  3. Nurmemet Emet (M), head of Uyghur Traditional Medicine Dept., Xinjiang Medical University PhD
  4. Enwer Tokhti (M), instructor at Uyghur Traditional Medicine Dept., Xinjiang Medical University
  5. Alim Pettar (M), instructor at Xinjiang Medical University, physician, PhD
  6. Perhat Bekhti (M), vice rector of hospital attached to Xinjiang Medical University
  7. Abduqeyum Tewekkul (M), physician, Kashgar Prefectural People’s Hospital
  8. Enwer Abdukérim (M), physician, Kashgar Prefectural People’s Hospital
  9. Husen Hesen (M), physician, Kucha Uyghur Medicine Hospital
  10. Ebeydulla Hesen (M), physician, XUAR Uyghur Medicine Hospital
  11. Tahir Hesen (M), physician, Kucha People’s Hospital
  12. Nejibulla Ablat (M), cardiologist, Kashgar No. 2 People’s Hospital
  13. Ilham Imam (M), ENT specialist, XUAR Medical University Hospital
  14. Gulshen Abbas (F), doctor, XUAR Nurbagh Petroleum Hospital
  15. Abdurehimjan Emet (M), physician XUAR Uyghur Medicine Hospital
  16. Dolqun Tursun (M), XUAR Department of Preventive Medical

University Professors

  1. Erkin Abdurehim (Oghuz) (M), professor, Kashgar University, retired
  2. Metréhim Haji (M), professor, Kashgar University
  3. Enwer Isma’il (M), associate professor, Kashgar University
  4. Enwer Qadir (M), associate professor, Kashgar University
  5. Abdukerem Paltu (M), Department of History, Kashgar University
  6. Erkin Ömer (M), professor, Kashgar University, school principal
  7. Muhter Abdughopur (M), professor, Kashgar University
  8. Qurban Osman (M), professors, Kashgar University
  9. Ablajan Abduwaqi (M), professor, Kashgar University; chair, Mathematics Department
  10. Rahile Dawut (F), professor, Xinjiang University; PhD
  11. Arslan Abdulla (M), former dean, Philology Institute, Xinjiang University; professor; head of XUARPeople’s Government Cultural Advisors’ Office
  12. Abdukérim Rahman (M), professor, Xinjiang University
  13. Gheyretjan Osman (M), professor, Xinjiang University
  14. Tashpolat Téyip (M), professor, Xinjiang University; school principal
  15. Alim Ehet (M), professor, Xinjiang University; Developer of UyghurSoft software suite
  16. Dilmurat Tursun (M), professor, Xinjiang University
  17. Batur Eysa (M), professor, Xinjiang University
  18. Abdurehim Mahmut (M), professor, Xinjiang University
  19. Erkin Imirbaqi (M), professor, Xinjiang University
  20. Nurbiye Yadikar (F), professor, Xinjiang University (released recently)
  21. Nebijan Hebibulla (M), professor, Xinjiang University
  22. Asiye Muhemmedsalih (F), professor, Xinjiang University
  23. Abdusalam Ablimit (M), professor, computer center, Xinjiang University
  24. Abdubesir Shükri (M), professor, dean, Philology Institute, Xinjiang Normal University
  25. Abduqadir Jalalidin (M), professor, Xinjiang Normal University; poet
  26. Jemile Saqi (F), professor, Xinjiang Education Institute, PhD; wife of Abduqadir Jalalidin
  27. Yunus Ebeydulla (M), professor, Xinjiang Normal University
  28. Ababekri Abdureshit (M), professor, Xinjiang Normal University, PhD
  29. Nur’eli Shahyaqup (M), professor, Xinjiang Normal University, PhD
  30. Nurmuhemmet Ömer (Uchqun) (M), professor, Xinjiang Normal University, PhD
  31. Kamil Metréhim (M), professor, Pedagogical Institute, Ürümchi Vocational University
  32. Arzugül Tashpolat (F), professor, Xinjiang Engineering Institute; Arrested together with husband EkremTursun (released)
  33. Zulpiqar Barat (Özbash) (M), professor, Xinjiang University; PhD
  34. Nijat Ablimit (M), professor, Kashgar University
  35. Dilmurat Ghopur (M), vice rector, Xinjiang University
  36. Abduréhim Rahman (M), associate professor, Xinjiang University; PhD; husband of Ruqiye Osman
  37. Ruqiye Osman (F), administrator, Xinjiang University Library; wife of Abduréhim Rahman
  38. Imam Muhemmet (M), staff, the computer center of Xinjiang University
  39. Weli Barat (M), former president of Xinjiang University
  40. Mutellip Sidiq Qahiri (M), associate professor, Kashgar University
  41. Enwer Sidiq (M), lecturer of physics, Xinjiang Normal University
  42. Nijat Sopi (M), professor, Ili Teacher’s College; PhD; dean of Literature Department
  43. Barat Tursunbaqi (M), former president, Hotan Teachers College
  44. Ablet Abdurishit (Berqi) (M), associate professor, Xinjiang Education Institute; PhD; poet
  45. Khalmurat Eysajan (M), professor, Ili Pedagogical Institute
  46. Ömerjan Nuri (M), professor, Hotan Teachers College
  47. Azat Sultan (M), chairman of XUAR Literature and Arts Union; chair, Xinjiang Writers Association; professor; literature expert
  48. Gulazat Tursun (F), professor, Law school Xinjiang University, Human rights specialist
  49. Kerimjan Abdurehim (M), professor, poet, Kashgar Education Institute
  50. Adil Ghappar (M), professor, Xinjiang Normal University
  51. Juret Dolet (M), director of student affair office, Hotan Teacher’s College
  52. Ilham Tohti (M), professor, Minzu University of China (arrested in 2014)

School Teachers

  1. Ablajan Memet (M), Konisheher No. 1 High School
  2. Ehmetjan Jume (M), Konisheher No. 1 High School
  3. Sajidigul Ayup (F), Konisheher No. 1 High School
  4. Abla Memet (M), former principal of Kucha No. 1 High School, reworded in 2017 in chemistry
  5. Niyaz Imin (M), former teacher, Kucha County No. 1 Middle School
  6. Ekrem Islam (M), vice principal, Sanji City No. 3 Middle School
  7. Dilraba Kamil (F), instructor, Ürümchi No. 92 Middle School
  8. Tursunjan Hézim (M), instructor, Aqsu No. 1 Middle School
  9. Ablet Shemsi (M), instructor, Kucha County Ishkhala Village Middle School
  10. Adil Tursun (M), vice principal, senior teacher, Kashgar Old City County 1st Middle School; National-Level expert
  11. Shahip Abdusalam (Nurbeg) (M), instructor, Kelpin County No. 1 Middle School; poet
  12. Zohre Niyaz (Sayramiye) (F), instructor, Bay County Sayram Village Middle School; poet
  13. Turdi Tuniyaz (M), former principal, Ürümchi City Experimental Middle School
  14. Alim Yawa (M), former instructor, Peyzawat County Güllük Village Middle School; poet
  15. Ilham Tahir (M), teacher (fired), middle school attached to Kashgar Normal University; son of Tahir Talip
  16. Satar Sawut (M), former director of the Xinjiang Education Supervision Bureau

Journalists, Editors and Publishers

  1. Ablikim Hesen (M), head of Uyghur Department and senior editor, Xinjiang Youth Press
  2. Yalqun Rozi (M), editor, Xinjiang Education Press
  3. Qadir Arslan (M), editor, Xinjiang Education Press
  4. Mahibeder Mehmut (F), editor, Xinjiang Education Press
  5. Ayshem Peyzulla (F), editor, Xinjiang Education Press
  6. Tahir Nasir (M), former head, former assistant head editor, Xinjiang Education Press; XUAR people’s government education inspector
  7. Wahitjan Osman (M), editor, Xinjiang Education Press, poet
  8. Erkin Muhemmet (M), editor, Xinjiang Education Press
  9. Ekber Sirajidin (M), editor, Xinjiang Education Press
  10. Yasin Zilal (M), head editor, “Tarim” Journal; poet
  11. Abdurakhman Ebey (M), former chief, former senior editor, Xinjiang People’s Press
  12. Ekhmetjan Mömin (Tarimi) (M), senior editor, Xinjiang People’s Press, PhD
  13. Qurban Mamut (M), former editor-in-chief, former senior editor, “Xinjiang Culture” Journal
  14. Ilham Weli (M), chair, senior editor, “Xinjiang Gazette” Uyghur Editorial Department
  15. Mirkamil Ablimit (M), vice chair, senior editor, “Xinjiang Gazette” Uyghur Editorial Department
  16. Memtimin Obul (M), editor, “Xinjiang Gazette” Uyghur Editorial Department
  17. Jür’et Haji (M), editor, “Xinjiang Gazette” Uyghur Editorial Department
  18. Erkin Tursun (M), editor, director, Ili Television Station
  19. Abduréhim Abdulla (M), senior editor, Xinjiang Audiovisual Press; poet
  20. Enwer Qutluq (Nezeri) (M), editor, Xinjiang Television Station; poet
  21. Qeyser Qéyum (M), editor in chief, “Literary Translations” Journal Committed suicide. Jumped off eighth floor of his office building after a police summons rather than face probable detention in the camps
  22. Mirzahit Kérim (M), former editor (retired), Kashgar Uyghur Press; writer
  23. Mehmutjan Khoja (Ümidwar) (M), editor, “Xinjiang Youth” Journal; poet
  24. Ablajan Siyit (M), vice chief editor, senior editor, Kashgar Uyghur Press
  25. Osman Zunun (M), former chief editor, senior editor, Kashgar Uyghur Press, retired
  26. Abliz Ömer (M), former chief editor, senior editor, Kashgar Uyghur Press, retired
  27. Osman Ehet (M), music editor, Qarluq electronic
  28. Erkin Ibrahim (peyda) (M), publisher, CEO of Ogen Publishing Co.
  29. Tahir Talip (M), senior editor, “Kashgar Daily,” poet, public figure
  30. Khalide Isra’il (F), editor of “Xinjiang Gazette” retired; writer
  31. Méhrigül Tahir (F), instructor, Kashgar Preschool Teachers Training School; daughter of Tahir Talip
  32. Abdurahman Abdurehim (M), Kashgar Uyghur press, editor
  33. Memetjan Abliz Boriyar (M), Kashgar Uyghur Press, editor, writer
  34. Memet Sidiq (M), Kashgar Uyghur Press
  35. Anargul Hekim (F), Kashgar Uyghur Press
  36. Guzelnur Qasim (F), Kashgar Uyghur Press
  37. Mahinur Hamut (F), Kashgar Uyghur Press
  38. Erkin Emet (M), head of Kashgar Uyghur Press
  39. Emrulla Enwer (M), Kashgar Uyghur Press
  40. Chimen’gül Awut (F), senior editor, Kashgar Uyghur Publishers; poet

Poets, Writers and Scholars

  1. Perhat Tursun (M), researcher, XUAR People’s Arts Center; PhD; writer, poet
  2. Abbas Muniyaz (M), professional writer, XUAR Writers’ Association
  3. Muhter Helil Bughra (M), poet, XUAR TV Station
  4. Idris Nurulla (M), independent translator, poet
  5. Qasimjan Osman (Ghazi) (M), civil servant, Peyzawat County Party Committee Propaganda Department; poet
  6. YasinJan Sadiq (choghlan) (M), writer, XUAR writers association
  7. Osman Hoshur (M), writer, participant of Uyghur textbook
  8. Memet Emet chopani (M), writer, poet
  9. Ibrahim Alptekin (M), poet, publisher
  10. Abduqadir Jüme (M), independent translator, poet
  11. Nezire Muhemmedsalih (F), independent writer; wife of Adiljan Tuniyaz; daughter of Muhemmedsalih Hajim
  12. Muhemmedsalih Hajim (M), researcher, Nationalities Research Institute, Xinjiang Social Science Academy, retired; translator of the Quran into Uyghur; religious scholar and translator; died at the age 84 in a camp; father of Nezire Muhemmedsalih
  13. Memet’éli Abdurehim (M), former head of XUAR Language Committee, retired
  14. Tahir Abduweli (M), researcher, XUAR Language Committee
  15. Alimjan (M), researcher, XUAR Language Committee
  16. Na’iljan Turghan (M), researcher, XUAR Language Committee
  17. Küresh Tahir (M), researcher, Xinjiang Social Sciences Academy; son of Tahir Talip
  18. Abdurazaq Sayim (M), vice head of Xinjiang Social Sciences Academy; senior researcher
  19. Gheyret Abdurahman (M), researcher, Xinjiang Social Sciences Academy; vice head, Language Institute, Xinjiang Social Sciences Academy
  20. Abduqéyum Mijit (M), researcher, Ethnic Culture Research Institute, Xinjiang Social Sciences Academy
  21. Abduqéyum Mijit (M), researcher, Ethnic Culture Research Institute, Xinjiang Social Sciences Academy
  22. Sajide Tursun (F), postdoctoral researcher at Max Planck Institute for the Study of Religious Diversity in Gottingen, Germany
  23. Abbas Burhan (M), researcher, XUAR Education Department; Vice Principal, Ürümchi City No. 10 Elementary School
  24. Ablimit (M), independent researcher of Uyghur classical literature; PhD
  25. Gulbahar Eziz (F), writer, poet, lawyer
  26. AdiljanTuniyaz (M), former staff, Xinjiang People’s Radio Station; poet; husband of Nezire Muhemmedsalih
  27. Dilmurat Tursun (M), researcher, Urumchi Municipal education department
  28. Adil Rishit (M), researcher, XUAR Educational Press
  29. Tursunjan Muhemmet Marshal (M), website editor, writer
  30. Tursunbeg Yasin (M), blogger, writer
  31. Tuniyaz Osman (M), writer, former Judge, Aksu Seismology Deparmet
  32. Omerjan Hesen (Bozqir) (M), writer, translator, blogger, Aksu Forestry Department

Computer Engineers

  1. Qeyser Abdukerim (M), computer engineer, poet
  2. Metyasin Metqurban (M), Bilkan Electronic Co. CEO, computer engineer
  3. Perhat Zahir (M), computer engineer
  4. Abdurahman Memetabla (M), computer engineer, CEO, Rawanyol Electronic Co.
  5. Nurshat (M), graphic designer, Qarluq Electronic Co.
  6. Abletjan Ismail (M), creator of Yaltapan software, IT engineer of XUAR Government website
  7. Sirajidin Qarluq (M), Qarluq Electronic Co.
  8. Amannisa Qemirdin (F), accountant, Qarluq Electronic Co.
  9. Reyhangul Mehmut (F), graphic designer, Qarluq Electronic Co.
  10. Yusup Ehmet (M), graphic designer, Qarluq Electronic Co.
  11. Emetjan (M), Qutlan Electronic Co., computer engineer
  12. Mukhtar Rozi (M), computer expert; programmer
  13. Ekber Eset (M), website designer, CEO, Bagdax Electronic Co.
  14. Dilshat Perhat (Ataman) (M), founder of Diyarim website

Photographers and Painters

  1. Nijat Memtimin (M), employee of Kashgar Prefectural Government Information Office; photographer
  2. Mutellipjan Memtimin (M), owner of “Kashgar White Steed Photo Studio”; photographer
  3. Ablikimjan (M), designer, Kashgar Preschool Teachers School

Directors, Hosts, Performers

  1. Mekhmutjan Sidiq (M), director, Xinjiang Television Station
  2. Ekhmetjan Metrozi (M), technician, Xinjiang Television Station
  3. Qeyum Muhemmet (M), associate professor, Xinjiang Art Institute; actor; host ; husband of Aynur Tash
  4. Aynur Tash (F), Ürümchi People’s Radio Station, retired for health reasons; wife of QéyumMuhemmet
  5. Erkin Tursun (M), editor, director, Ili Television Station
  6. Es’et Éziz (M), chief of Ürümchi People’s Radio Station Uyghur Editorial Department
  7. Zulpiqar Köresh (M), editor, Xinjiang Television Station; singer
  8. Abdurehim Heyit (M), singer
  9. Reshide Dawut (F), singer, XUAR theater
  10. Adil Mijit (M), comedian, XUAR Theater (released)
  11. Senuber Tursun (F), singer, XUAR theater (released in 2019, see notes)
  12. Aytilla Ela (F), singer, XUAR Theater
  13. Ablet Zeydin (M), XUAR TV station, editor
  14. Peride Mamut (M), singer, actor
  15. Zahirshah Ablimit (M), singer
  16. Ablajan Awut Ayup (M), singer
  17. Memetjan Abduqadir (M), singer, actor
  18. Mahire Yusup (F), singer, Urumchi Song and Dance Group
  19. Nurshat Mijit (M), singer, song writer

Others (including recent detentions)

  1. Ablimit Ablikim (M), MA student, Shanghai Arts Institute
  2. Arzugül Abdurehim (F), received MA in Japan
  3. Abdurishit Imin (M), civil servant, XUAR Department of Agriculture
  4. Gülbahar Éziz (F), civil servant, XUAR Prison Administration Office; psychology Counselor; lawyer
  5. Ghalip Rahman (M), vice chief, Urumchi Municipal Court, judge.
  6. Ekber Ebeydulla (M), Kashagr Cultural Heritage Protecting Department
  7. Ebeydulla Ibrahim (M), writer, editor in Chief, Xinjiang Youth magazine
  8. Mihray Mijit (F), principle of No. 20 Primary School, editor of Uyghur Textbook.
  9. Turnan Qasim (M), CCP XUAR regional committee, propaganda branch
  1. Jelil Abdurahman (M), Urumqi Education Department
  2. Hamut Yasin (M), Xinjiang Education Press
  3. Abduqeyum Tohtaji (M), Xinjiang Experimental High School
  4. Aygul Imin (F), Teaching & Study office of Tianshan District, Urumqi Education Department
  5. Mahire Rozi (F), teacher, Urumqi No. 16 High School
  6. Abdusalam Turdi (M), professor, Department of Physics, Xinjiang Normal University
  7. Enwer Sidiq (M), professor, Department of Physics, Xinjiang Normal University
  8. Ghalip Nasir (M), Administration Office, Xinjiang Normal University
  9. Rena Mamut (M), librarian, Xinjiang Normal University
  10. Umit (M), Affiliated High School of Xinjiang Normal University
  11. Rizwangul (F), Affiliated High School of Xinjiang Normal University
  12. Eysa Qadir (M), professor, Xinjiang Agriculture University
  13. Ababekri Ablet (M), president of Hotan Teachers College
  14. Memetrishat Zunun (M), Xinjiang Huan Tourism Co.
  15. Gheyret Eysa (M), Kashgar No. 10 High School, publisher
  16. Dawut Obulqasim (M), Koknur Biotechnology Co.
  17. Buhelchem Tursun (F), former official of Urumqi Import and Export Department
  18. Telet Qadiri (M), Uyghur textbook for grade 8 editor, Xinjiang Education Press
  19. Hamutjan Hekim (M), Uyghur textbook for grade 8 editor, Xinjiang Education Press
  20. Shirmuhemmet Jarup (M), Uyghur textbook editor, Xinjiang Education Press
  21. Perhat Kazim (M), Uyghur textbook editor
  22. Eysajan Turdi Achchiq (M), Uyghur textbook for grade 8 editor
  23. Muqeddes Mirza (F), Uyghur textbook for grade 8 editor
  24. Enwer Omer (M), Uyghur textbook for grade 8 editor
  25. Hebibulla Eli (M), Uyghur textbook for grade 8 editor
  26. Adiljan Ayit (M), Uyghur textbook painter, XUAR Education Press
  27. Abdurehim Osman (M), Kashgar CCP local branch vice chairman of Religious and Ethnic Affair
  28. Shemsidin (M), physician, XUAR No. 2 Hospital
  29. Zamanidin Pakzat (M), poet, instructor, Preschool Teachers College
  30. Gulchihre Chongelem Eziz (F), writer
  31. Ablikim Kelkun (M), comedian, XUAR Theater
  32. Hebibulla Tohti (M), professor, Xinjiang Islamic Institute, PhD.
  33. Adil Hajim (M), professor, Xinjiang Islamic Institute
  34. Yusupjan Zeynidin (M), retired professor, Xinjiang Islamic Institute
  35. Muhemmet Abdulla (M), retired professor, Xinjiang Islamic institute
  36. Abduqahar damolla (M), professor, Xinjiang Islamic Institute
  37. Ilyas Qarihaji (M), professor, Xinjiang Islamic Institute, PhD
  38. Shahabidin Hajim (M), professor, Xinjiang Islamic Institute
  39. Abduqahar Damolla (M), professor, Xinjiang Islamic Institute
  40. Abdusemi Damolla (M), instructor, Artuch Islamic School
  41. Abliz Qarihaji (Arqan) (M), writer, religious scholar
  42. Abduhaliq Damolla (M), instructor, Aqsu Islamic School
  43. Azat Eziz (M), professor, former principle, Kashgar University
  44. Gulzar Gheni (F), Kashgar University
  45. Abduqeyum Yasin (M), physician, Kashagar No. 1 People’s Hospital
  46. Dilshat Alim (M), physician, XUAR No. 2 People’s Hospital
  47. Mirzat Osman (M), graduate from Xinjiang Agricultural University, studied in Italy, missing since 2017
  48. Yasinjan Tohti (M), pharmacist, Kashgar Uyghur Medicine Hospital
  49. Buwejer Memeteli, (M), teacher, Kashgar No. 10 Primary School
  50. Adil Eliyof, (M) retired accountant from People’s Bank (Kashgar Branch)
  51. Erkinjan Abdukerim (M), primary school teacher in Awat Township Kashagr, died after released from reeducation camp on Sep. 30th, 2018.
  52. Nurmemet Tohti (M), Xinjiang ElQUWET Co.
  53. Kamalidin (M), professor, Xinjiang Financial & Economy University, PhD
  54. Alishir Qurban (M), associated professor, Xinjiang Institute of Ecology and Geography, member of Chinese Science Academy
  55. Huseyinjan Esqer (M), researcher, Language Committee of XUAR
  56. Erkizat Barat (M), writer, website editor, activist, graduate from Zhongnan Financial University
  57. Hesenjan Abdulla (M), researcher, Ili Institute of Agricultural Study, detained in April 2017
  58. Hisamidin Eziz (M), poet, Xinjiang Representative Office in Beijing, detained in June 2018
  59. Abdulkahar Tursun (M), Arcelik Electronic engineer, graduated from Middle East Technology University, detained in 2017
  60. Turghun Asim (M), water engineer, Kashgar City Water Administration Department, detained in 2018
  61. Memtili Wahap (M), Kashgar City Water Administration Department
  62. Nurmemet Niyaz (M), Kashgar City Water Administration Department
  63. Ekber Emet (M), Kashgar City Water Administration Department
  64. Abdughopur Tursun (M), Kashgar City Water Administration Department
  65. Sabirjan Hamut (M), Kashgar City Water Administration Department
  66. Memetjan Rozi (M), graphic designer, film editor, detained on Sep. 5th, 2017
  67. Kamal Abliz (M), film maker, director and producer, Dolan Co. ltd., detained June 9th 2017
  68. Semi Kirem (M), Babahan Food & Logistic Co.
  69. Tahir Qasim (M), writer, poet, professor, Aqsu Educational Institute
  70. Abdusalam Jalalidin (M), professor, PhD, Xinjiang University
  71. Hemdulla Abdurahman (M), linguist, born in Pichan 1957, Languages Committee of XUAR
  72. Nizamidin Niyaz (M), PhD, lecturer of Xinjiang Normal University, sentenced for 15 years for participating editorial of ‘problematic’ textbook
  73. Tursunjan Behti (M), PhD, linguist, lecturer of Xinjiang financial and Economy University
  74. Rahmanjan Awut Ozhal (M), poet, singer, song writer, XUAR Theater
  75. Eysabeg Mamut (M), well-known folksinger, sentenced to 10 years, accused of illegal religious activity
  76. Waris Ababekri (M), one of the former leaders of the 1988 Uyghur students’ movement, writer, film producer, Xinjiang Dolan Co.
  77. Osman Kerem (M), former teacher of Urumchi No. 23 Middle School
  78. Kurban Aji (M), English teacher, Artuch No. 4 High School
  79. Abduhelil Ela (M), surgeon, Tuberculosis Hospital of Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region, detained in Jan. 2018
  80. Zohre Ela (F) Technician, Karamay Petroleum Company, detained in Jan. 2018
  81. Juret Memet (M), teacher, vice president of regional educational department of Karamay
  82. Rishat (M), teacher, No. 4 Primary School in Karamay
  83. Adil Yaqup (M), poet, vice chief of No. 3 Detention Center, detained in March 2018
  84. Memtimin Hoshur (M), writer, former head of XUAR Writers Association
  85. Ehtem Omer (M), writer, employee of state owned XUAR Film Production Co.
  86. Reyhangul (F), Uyghur Medicine Hospital of Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region in Urumchi city
  87. Juret Qurban (M), Xijiang Zamzambolaq International Trade Co.,
    detained in Oct. 2017
  88. Jumaji Juma (M), teacher, Qulanchi Primary School, Azaq Township, Artuch, detained and sentenced to 7 years, because of sending a gift to Turkey
  89. Marat Isaqow (M), teacher, Urumchi No. 14 High School,
    studied in Kazan, Tatarestan Federal Republic, ethnic Tatar
  90. Sewirdin Imam (M), host, actor, arrested in Jan. 2019
  91. Semi Kirem (M), Xinjiang BABAHAN Food Co., arrested in Aug. 15th, 2018
  92. Abduqeyum Imin (M), actor, editor, Xinjiang TV (State owned XUAR propaganda organization)
  93. Hezereteli Memettyrsun (M), singer, public figure
  94. Bupatem (F), secretary of Hotan County Court
  95. Abdurahman (M), Hotan county local branch of CCP commission for discipline inspection
  96. Husenjan (M), musician, music teacher, Hotan city No. 2 Primary School
  97. Arapat Erkin (M), student, Kocaeli University, kept missing since 2017 on his return to China
  98. Mirzat Osman (M), student, studied in Milan (Italy), missing since Oct. 2017 on his return to China
  99. Omerjan (M), architect, Uyghur style architectures designer, entrepreneur, public figure
  100. Yasin Kerim (M), calligrapher, awarded several international Calligraphy competitions,
  101. Niyaz Kerim Sherqi (M), calligrapher, topographer, professor of former Xinjiang University of Industry
  102. Abdureshit Eli (M), pen name Tundiki Adem, poet, editor of Yengi Qashteshi (seasonal literature magazine)
  103. Abdukerim Yaqup (M), public figure, the People’s Government of Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous region Beijing Office
  104. Ehet Sayit (M), public figure, county mayor of Yarkent, XUAR
  105. Abdugheni Jume (M), public figure, county mayor of Merkit, XUAR
  106. Ghali Rahman (M), public figure, county mayor of Peyzawat, XUAR
  107. Memettrusun (M), public figure, Kashagr Prefectural Foreign affair Office
  108. Ghulamjan Ghopur (M), English teacher, the founder of Tewpiq Language and Technology Training school
  109. Abdumijit Abduqadir (M), instructor, Xinjiang Uyghur Medicine College, PhD candidate of Chinese Science Academy Xinjiang Branch
  110. Enwer Niyaz (M), teacher, principal of Toqsun County No. 1 High School, head of Toqsun County Education Department
  111. Shohret (M), instructor, Xinjiang Normal University, TsingHua University PhD candidate
  112. Qelbinur Hamut (F), teacher, No. 19 Primary School, one of the editors of Uyghur textbook, retired in 2015, arrested in 2017
  113. Abdurehim Ablethan (M), writer, film maker
  114. Turkizat Gheyret (M), student activist, Xinjiang Finance and Economy University
  115. Musajan Imir (M), entrepreneur, Xinjiang Qaraqum International Trade Co.
  116. Gheni Semet (M), poet, Uyghur bookstore owner
  117. Gulnisa Imin (F), poet, local social activist. Well-known female poet, her poetry translated into Japanese (Uyghur Poetry Selection published in Japan)
  118. Abliz Arqan (M), blogger and islamic scholar, small business owner in Korla city
  119. Abduqeyum Tohtaji (M), one of the editors of now banned Uyghur Textbook
  120. Abduweli Muqiyit (M), Uyghur culture activist. 1945 born in Ghulja, sentenced 17 years in 2019. Now serving jail in Heilongjiang Province
  121. Muhter Mamut Muhemmidi (M), independent scholar, publisher, Uyghur bookstore owner in Qarghiliq County
  122. Ablet Ababekri (M), professor, President of Hotan Teachers College
  123. Muhter Emet (M), poet, vice chief of Konisheher County CCP local branch, detained in Sep. 2017
  124. Abduhelil Tohti (M), athlete, wrestling master, teacher, Konisheher No. 1 High School, detained in April 2017
  125. Ehmet Turghun (M), teacher, one of the Uyghur textbook related teachers. Urumchi No. 22 Primary School, , arrested in Sep. 2017
  126. Reyhangul Hashim (F), teacher, one of the editors of Uyghur textbooks, Urumchi Qarlayelisi Primary School
  127. Ekber Awut (M), teacher, athlete, Urumchi No. 22 Primary School, arrested in Sep. 2018, died in the detention center in Urumchi in Oct. 2019
  128. Melike Dawut (F), teacher, researcher, one of editors of Uyghur textbooks, Urumchi Educational Department’s research office, detained in April 2017
  129. Bahargul Hebibul (F), IT engineer, Urumchi branch of Chinese Railway Communication Co., arrested in June 2017, sentenced to 5 years in prison in Nov. 2019
  130. Mihray Hebibul (F), policewoman in Turpan city, arrested in 2018, sentenced to 3 years on Nov. 6th, 2019
  131. Alim Hebibul (M), prison guard in Turpan city, arrested in 2018, sentenced to 3 years in Nov. 2019
  132. Yasin Imin (M), IT engineer, professor in Xinjiang university, Department of Information Technology, researcher in Bureau of Information Technology of Xinjiang Ethnic languages
    Work Committee, selected as distinguished youth by XUAR party
    branch and government in 2015, arrested in 2018
  133. Alim Hasani (M), linguist, interpreter, researcher in Bureau of Information Technology of Xinjiang Ethnic Languages Work Committee, arrested in Aug. 2018
  134. Mehmut Eli Atilla (M), researcher, teacher, Awat No. 3 High School, one of the editors of Uyghur textbooks, arrested in 2017
  135. Dilnur Mesum (F), principal of Hotan Langru Secondary School, Chinese teacher, arrested in 2018, sentenced 15 years (reason of imprisonment related to a WeChat massage which was sent in 2013 about halal food)
  136. Nasirhaji (M), senior staff of the Business Department of Agricultural Bank (Shufu County Subbranch); arrested in May 2017, reason of imprisonment related with helping poor and needy families by donation collected from Meshrep social group
  137. Tahir Mesum (M), deputy director of Hotan Education Bureau in Hotan, arrested in 2018, sentenced to 10 years, accused of racial discrimination crime, reason of imprisonment related to a WeChat massage which he received in 2013 about Halal food
  138. Abliz Orhun (M), former editor in chief of Xinjiang Difang Zhi (Xinjiang Regional Historiography), editor of Minzu Publishing House, arrested in Feb. 2018
  139. Obulqasim Abdurehim (M), IT technician at Kashgar – China Telecom, arrested in May 2017, reason of imprisonment related with helping poor and needy families by donation collected from Meshrep social group
  140. Abliz Tohtihaji (M), director of Kashgar Prefectural Transport Administration Bureau, arrested in May 2017, reason of imprisonment related with helping poor and needy families by donation which donated in Meshrep social group.
  141. Ishak (M), principal of Changji No. 3 Secondary School , arrested in 2018
  142. Reyhangul (F), teacher of Changji No. 3 Secondary School
  143. Juret Memtimin (M), a Uyghur retired government official, former professor of Minzu University, and former governor of Hotan prefecture. There was no news from him after being called for interrogation in early Dec. 2019
  144. Ilham Rozi (M), deputy head of Publicity Department of Aksu Prefecture Committee, arrested in April 2019 without any reason
  145. Behtiyar Ilham (M), a Uyghur computer engineer and manager of Qarluk IT Co., arrested in Nov. 2019 without any reason

Imprisoned intellectuals from other ethnic groups of Xinjiang

  1. Qabilqan Sadiq, (M) editor, Xinjiang Education Press; Kyrgyz
  2. Esqer Junus (M), researcher, Xinjiang Social Sciences Academy; Kyrgyz
  3. Hörmetjan Abdurahman (Fikret) (M), professor, Xinjiang University; Uzbek
  4. Mambet Turdi (M), professor, Xinjiang Normal University; literary critic; Kyrgyz
  5. Abdurahman Eziz (M), writer; Kyrgyz
  6. Dina Igemberdi (F), painter; Kazakh
  7. Nurbaqit Qadir (M), editor, Xinjiang Education Press; Kazakh
  8. Maqadas Aqan (M), editor, Xinjiang Education Press; Kazakh


  1. This list is composed of Uyghur intellectuals whose imprisonment has been confirmed by the Uyghur diasporas. The imprisonment of some individuals on the list has been investigated by Radio Free Asia; the imprisonment of the other intellectuals listed here has been confirmed by other reliable sources in China and some relatives of detainees in diaspora.
  2. While considerable care has been taking in compiling and checking the list, obstacles have nonetheless been considerable, given the information blockade imposed on Xinjiang (Eastern Turkistan) by the Chinese government. As a result, there may be errors in the list. We ask readers’ help in correcting any such issues, compiling further information on the individuals listed here in, and adding other detained intellectuals to the list.
  3. It is clear that the number of detained intellectuals greatly exceeds the number listed here. This list and other lists of detained individuals will be continually revised and expanded.
  4. Jewlan Jelil is confirmed not in detention; Adiljan Ayit was arrested because of Uyghur textbook issue.
  5. Nurshat Mijit released Jan. 18, but is unknown where he is.
  6. Ablajan Abduwaqi and Sajide Tursun are released recently.
  7. Adil Yaqup was released in the first week of April
  8. Adil Eliyof released in March 2019.
  9. Abbas Eset, Arzugul Tashpolat were released recently
  10. Muhter Bughra, Eysabeg Mamut were released recently
  11. Qurban Aji was released in June 2019
  12. Azat Sultan released in May 2019
  13. Abdukerim Rahman released in May 2019, died in 2020
  14. Ablikim Hesem release in Dec. 2019
  15. Reshide Dawut sentenced in 2020
  16. Rahmanjan Awut released in Nov. 2019
  17. Senewer Tursun released in Oct. 2019
  18. Arzigul Tashpolat released in Sep. 2019

(if you need more information, resume, testimonies, please feel free to contact Abduweli Ayup,